Proven Strategies for Early Childhood Teams
Educare, a leader in high-quality early childhood education, is offering a professional development series to provide practical instruction to center-based and school-based programs on how to improve program practice and ultimately deliver strong outcomes for children and families. The Essential Practices of Educare is a flexible early childhood professional development program that helps practitioners develop their knowledge, behavior and practices to meet the increasingly rigorous quality standards in early education.
Access these resources directly by purchasing the training from an existing provider or become an Essential Practices provider to offer this high-quality instruction to your community.

Comprehensive Training Across Four Core Practice Areas
- Data Utilization: Collecting and interpreting data to make decisions that improve child outcomes
- Embedded Professional Development: Designing daily staff learning opportunities through team and coaching strategies
- High-Quality Teaching Practices: Leveraging instructional culture and teacher-child interactions for classroom success
- Intensive Family Engagement: Promoting growth and learning through a school-wide approach to family partnerships
- Select the series components that best meet staff needs
- Cost effective and flexible for all center-based programs
- Apply knowledge to practice using our practical tools and resources
- Align your program with national and state standards and requirements (e.g., Head Start, QRIS, state pre-K and other systems)
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time is required to participate?
Essential Practices of Educare providers facilitate practical instruction in four core practice areas employed within Educare schools: Data Utilization, Embedded Professional Development, High-Quality Teaching Practices, Intensive Family Engagement. Each of the four practice areas include two trainings (a 4-7 hour “Foundations of” training to build knowledge and a 7-12 hour “In Practice” training to develop practical skills and competencies). Please note that time required to participate will depend on the trainings and modules chosen.
Who can participate in Essential Practices of Educare?
Center-based and school-based program leaders, teachers and family engagement staff.
Is Essential Practices of Educare available outside of an Educare school?
Yes, programs can access these resources directly by purchasing the training from an existing provider or by becoming an Essential Practices of Educare provider to offer this high-quality instruction to their community.
How much does Essential Practices of Educare cost?
To inquire about pricing, please contact
See what leaders are saying about Essential Practices of Educare.
Participant Testimonials
- “This was a great training and made me think about myself and challenge some ideas that I previously had about myself and the work. It helped me reflect and articulate to others some important aspects of my job as a teaching professional.”
- “This training was great. To have various positions collaborate and share experiences pertaining to traditional and embedded professional development was enlightening.”
- “The strategies employed in the job-embedded PD practices provide immediate understanding; the feedback is instant through open-ended questioning, discussions, collaboration, hands on experiences and back and forth dialogue, which supports learning and comprehension.”
Facilitator Testimonials
- “This training and challenged me to verbalize what we do in the field of family engagement and to have others see the work as research based allowing for the professionalism of our work.”
- “I am excited to bring this back to our school and re-energize our staff.”
- “Fabulous training! This training provides a solid foundation and structure, while allowing us to individualize it to meet the needs of our community/audience.”
- “This is an opportunity to enhance my own professional development skills—a way to support others in carrying out best practice, and ultimately to improve outcomes for children and families.”

Learn more about Essential Practices of Educare.