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Intensive Family Engagement, Part 2

How additional efforts to intensify family engagement lead to changes in staff, program and family outcomes.
September 8, 2023
Updated September 21, 2023

As an accompaniment to an earlier Educare Insights brief on Targeted Supports for Intensive Family Engagement, this brief focuses on findings from the next phase of evaluation exploring changes in staff, program and family outcomes.

Research findings from the Educare Network on Targeted Supports:

  • Show that the additional time, energy and resources devoted to advancing the quality of Intensive Family Engagement (IFE) policies and practices encouraged richer family engagement efforts and improved collaboration among school leaders and staff
  • Demonstrate that a targeted approach to improving the intensity and quality of family engagement efforts in ECE programs helps to align school leaders and staff in their program operations, services and processes related to family engagement, and to establish meaningful and relevant partnerships and relationships with and for families
  • Reveal that intentionally implementing family-centered, accessible activities, spaces, training, programming and outreach methods contribute to a range of improved family outcomes

This brief also describes shifts in the implementation or delivery of Targeted Supports and Educare schools’ IFE efforts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and examines new evaluation questions related to changes in knowledge, attitudes and skill sets of participating school leaders and staff. The brief also offers implications and recommendations for practice, policy and research based on the evaluation findings and lessons learned.

Read the full Intensive Family Engagement Targeted Supports brief.

Intensive Family Engagement Targeted Supports, Part 2